Rachael 13th October 2020

Sat here not really knowing what to put. Still can’t quite believe any of this and just want someone just to say is a huge big mistake 😢! Sean, what can I say? Who’s going to get my sarcasm now? You were a little brother to me. And Lucy you were my wing woman and each other’s when we wanted to gang up on the boys and to get our own ways. Your up beat, go get attitudes lit a room the minute you both walked in. The one thing that I’m utterly heartbroken about is Josh will never know you. You were both so supportive when life was shit but your pure excitement when we announced Josh’s impending arrival was so lovely. I’m so glad you got to meet him. We will never let him forget you, but I’ll do you a favour.... we will keep your memory alive if you both look after him from wherever you two are because let’s face it Ben and I will make mistakes 😩. I’m going to end this now as I’ve got tears and snot running down my face. I love you both so much and would do anything to change this. Sleep tight, fly high and we will see each other again Xxxxxxxxx